Posts from the ‘Healthy’ Category

Summertime Bicycles

Summertime brings to mind the outdoors

and sunshine radiating through our pores,

as we find ways to recreate and play

all the long day,

or as long as we can manage to do so.


With the sunshine in the Texas heat

can have you beat

before you know it, if you don’t drink

plenty of water, sometimes more is needed than you think.


Yearning to exercise to lose the weight

and finding the pool not open throughout the late

night hours, we bought ourselves some bikes

so that we can no more say, “yikes!”


Right now, mastering the timing is essential

so that we can certainly lift the pencil

to schedule ourselves around the heat

to ride in the street.


Now, you might say that the best way to

schedule ourselves is to leave off the pencil and just do

it, and take our bikes

outdoors for before the clock strikes

with yet another day done.


I definitely wish cooler days

that were in the month of Mays;

yet, we just got the bikes

recently – before that we would have to just settle for hikes!





No Fat Cats Here!

Between he and I,

our New Year’s Resolution was made,

on New Year’s Eve

that neither he nor me

will be considered two fat cats in the shade.


Between he and I,

we created salads galore

so that we could think lean

and no longer mean

that we’ll be fat forever more.


Between he and I,

we thought about proteins

and balancing carbs and fats

fibers and all that

so that we can be lean t’weens.


Between he and I,

we’ve lost almost 80 pounds

since January

which brings us quite cheery

and we’re only 5 months down.


Between he and I,

we’ve got to know the grocery store very well

learning to read the labels

so that our plans will be no fables

and we’ll boldly have something to tell.



(this is a work in the making)



Between he and I,

no matter the outcome,

the only fat cat

may well be Moobaby, the cat thinking he’s a hat

in our home!


Between he and I,

we may never live the life of two rich cats

like Zuckerberg and Chan,

but maybe we will be better off than

living with all those fats!